“Birth matters, and I believe, the way a child is brought into the world has an important impact on the rest of life. Helping with that transition is an honor.”
Anjli Aurora Hinman, CNM
I discovered my passion for working with mothers and families after the birth of my son Miles in 2011. My birth & postpartum experience left me feeling unsupported and my eyes were opened to the reality that we have a long way to go when it comes to our maternal care system here in the United States.
Given my educational background in the social sciences (Go Michigan State Spartans!), my own experiences within the US healthcare system and as a full-time working mother, I began to explore the current model of maternal care in this country. What I discovered was that we need to do much more as a people and as a society to take better care of our mothers, as the health of our world depends on the health of our mothers.
I feel it is time, that we as a people, as individuals, begin to create movement… to educate ourselves and feel deeper into where we have not been nor are being fully supported, to empower ourselves to receive better care (in ALL of our spaces) and to honor our gift to the world. So we are no longer drained and pulled in so many different directions.
When we focus solely on the baby, as we often do within society (think 6-week checkups, not making postpartum pelvic care as standard protocol, high maternal morbidity rates, etc.), we neglect the needs of the mother. If we look around us we can see that many new mothers are suffering from postpartum mood disorders… I ask why is that? What is missing? This shouldn’t be our “normal”.
Children require wholesome and authentic parenting & mothering…. not fractured, disjointed and dysfunctional regulation.
Mothers require community and time and space to nurture themselves. They require continuation of care. They require doulas and other support people. They require healthy and wholesome meals cooked fresh for them daily. They just do. This is how we create health and wellness for ourselves as our foundation.
With my growing knowledge and exploration of our physiology, our neurology, the psychology of birth and my growing passion for holistic & ancestral healing, energy work and embodied somatic practices, JuJu’be Doula was born.
My passion is to reconnect people to the original blueprint and foundation of holistic health, which is found in all indigenous cultures around the world, and what many holistic systems of health are based off of, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. These whole systems of health are passed on through generations of people who remember the ancient ways and the traditions of honoring the new mother and helping her to reconnect with the deep, innate wisdom that is held within our bones. This requires the touch of a medicine woman… someone who sees this sacred window beyond our current mindset of needing to tough it out, or to find quick fixes so we can numb it out.
It is about embracing the journey and receiving the support that you require to not just survive but THRIVE! The generations that come will thank you!
Although much of my wisdom has been gained through my own observation, my own experience, and listening to the experience of others, I seek to enrich my understanding through more formal education and individual study. I am an analyst by nature (further trained by the US Government, with a decade of working analysis in operational environments), and love to research and gather the evidence that is needed to support those who are creating the next generation of children and OF PEOPLE CENTERED CARE.
I received my foundational Doula training & certification through International Doula Institute, and received continued education through the Sleep Savvy Lactation & Sleep Program, Innate Postpartum Maternal Care Program, Transformational Birth Coach Method, and certified for postpartum through Mama Moon Traditional Chinese Medicine Postpartum Healing Program.
I am trained and certified as an Ecstatic Birth Professional.
I am currently exploring training as an Ayurvedic Postpartum Specialist.
I have taken birth courses in both Bradley Method and HypnoBirthing (Mongan Method) and have supported families through many different births, including hospital, birth center and home births. I have supported birthing individuals and their families through planned and unplanned ceasarean sections, to avoid inductions, through medical and elective inductions, medicated and unmedicated birth. I have supported those with many different cultural backgrounds, belief systems and lifestyles, without judgement and with unbiased support, to the greatest of my capacity. I have supported those who chose alternate forms of conception via surrogacy, egg donation, embryo adoption or IVF.
I myself am pregnant via sperm donor conception and offer support to those who wish to explore those methods of conception.
In addition, I have recognized where we as new parents, and where our new children are being failed by society, or where we as parents are passing on our old patterns and disorders on to the next generation, and I wish to be of service by bringing awareness to this, and by bringing in tools, techniques, and support to begin to create the change, so we create individuals, families and communities that are vibrant and thriving. I wish to actively take part in creating the world of tomorrow. If this sounds “out there” to you I invite you to dive into the realms of learning about epigenetics.
To support this goal, I have been developing a conscious parenting practice, which helps us to raise our consciousness and to transform ourselves out of old ways of parenting through power and control. As we heal ourselves & birth new life into the world, we are creating a better world one moment at a time! We do this through conscious understanding and embracing the truth of our capacity to create change and to share and support others who are choosing to do the same.
These “new children” we are birthing in need our support; they need us to be “new parents”. No more will old familial & societal programming get in the way of creating the family life and communities we truly desire!
It is time to create our own Sacred Code.
Let’s see if we are a good fit to work together!
Schedule your Free Discovery Call today!
We offer birth & postpartum education, preparation, planning & in-person support.
This includes classes, coaching & mentoring, placenta services, doula support, belly-binding, holistic postpartum recovery, sleep consulting, birth story healing.
Our service area is Orange County, CA and nationwide depending on the services provided.
For Live-In Holistic Postpartum Services we provide support nationwide.